TPG – Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR)
The Parkside Group is committed to conducting its business in an open and honest manner and as such this policy reflects the commitment of our employees to our CSR policy, to minimise the impact of its operations for future generations and ensuring the welfare of its staff and the local area. We pride ourselves with promoting all we do in an ethical and integral way.
This Policy highlights our obligations, to all connected with our group and below is listed standards of conduct all employees must abide by as well as duties to report any suspected breaches of this policy by others. If any suspected breaches are reported the “reportee” should be assured that any concerns will be handled confidently and will not suffer any detriment treatment for reporting the said concern.
Responsibility for monitoring and reviewing these measures is the task of the audit committee who consist of staff, managers and directors from all departments across the Organisation. Listed below are our policy statements to encourage all to be accountable for the social, environmental and economic impact of our operations.
- The Organisation is committed to providing a welcoming, service led organisation for our staff and our business partners, that develops talent, supports the families of all our staff and our client base. We expect our staff to behave in an ethical way throughout their business dealings.
- As an Organisation we donate to both local community groups, charities and draw our workforce from the diverse mix that is the UK and actively encourage employment from locally deprived areas.
- The Organisation regularly donates to charities by way of department events and we encourage our staff to support their local communities individually by way of charity events and voluntary support. We also support our business partners with their own charity events.
- Environmentally the Organisation works to minimise the impact of our operations for future generations, this is the cornerstone of our environmental management system, which actively year on year reduces our waste, use of materials, energy and water. Our EMS system is accredited to ISO14001:2015 and we hold BES6001. We expect our suppliers to accredit themselves to this standard.
- The Organisation ensures that our suppliers are paid within their terms to help build long term mutually beneficial supplier relationship. We expect our clients throughout the construction industry to offer payment terms which reflect our core values to ensure the survival and operation of our business partners.
- The Organisation encourages staff to actively communicate different approaches to promote and assist with our continued aim to our social, economic and environmental responsibility.
- We comply with all applicable laws, regulations and other employment standards and actively promote our other business policies to all our staff and business partners.
- As an Organisation we seek not to deal with suppliers or countries that have a poor record of human rights violations or permit the use of child labour, and we expect our business partners to comply with the Human Rights Act 1998. In today’s economic environment we feel having strong suppliers who reflect our own family and community values, ensures that The Parkside Group Limited contributes to the ethics of a good global citizen.
As part of TPG’s CSR policy we are delighted to support the following:
- Macmillian Nurses
- Border to Border for Hope House
- Sikh Welfare
- Cancer Research
- 2016 Great Birmingham ½ Marathon – Acorn’s Children’s Hospice
- Norwood (Supports disabled children) Charity bike ride
- Royal Marsden Hospital fundraiser
- Freedom Flight Prize Sponsor