Sustainable Approach – BES 6001
At TPG we recognise the importance of our Purchasing decisions and the impact they may have on our environment and society. We encourage our Supply Chain to implement a certified Quality, Environmental, and Health and Safety Management System. We also recognise the importance of Environmental Protection and we are committed to operating our business in compliance with all Environmental Regulations, Legislation and initiatives relating to the building industry and the wider Environment.
It is the organisation’s objective to operate with, and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies and places Environmental Protection at the core of it’s operations. TPG is accredited to the Environmental Standard ISO 14001:2015.
TPG is committed to conducting its business in an open and honest manner and as such this our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy reflects the commitment of our employees to minimise the impact of our operations for future generations and ensuring the welfare of its staff and the local area. We pride ourselves with promoting all we do in an ethical and integral way.
As part of our commitment to responsibly sourcing we continuously monitor the impact of our working practices and the design of our systems to ensure any environmental impact is minimised. For instance we used to hold a Water Abstraction License for the cleaning of our Lorries, but recognised the impact and now utilise alternative methods which do not drain this precious resource.
There are a number of ways in which we continue to reduce our impact on the environment:
- Continual Supplier Assessment
- Continual assessment of our carbon footprint shows a year on year reduction
- Water Usage is down 64.29 since 2013
- Since 2012 our Electricity usage is down by 26.15% and our Gas usage is down by 21.67%
- Development of new products which carry the Passivhaus Certified Component Status
Responsible Sourcing
TPG’s key objectives in regards Responsible Sourcing are:
- To maintain and improve where possible our current average level of 95%
- To reduce our usage of gas/electricity/water where possible by 10% by 2024
Communication to the Organisation
- Regular engagement with the organisation to actively promote and communicate our strategy for waste prevention and recyclability
- These objectives and their outputs are detailed in the section below “Minimising Our Impact”